User Management: Users — Individual Update

Note: To add or update users via CSV upload, see this article. If your organization is utilizing our HRIS integration, see this article

If you only wish to add or update a single or a few users, you can do so in the Admin module via:

Admin → User Management → Departments and users → Users → Individual Update → Update

A user must have a first name, last name, and email address in order to be created. We highly recommend using an employee ID as well, but if your organization does not assign employee IDs, you can create users without them. Additionally, when a user is deactivated:

  • They can no longer log into Betterworks
  • They will no longer be counted towards licenses (aka "seats")
  • Their objectives and key results will remain active and searchable. However, their manager or an administrator can delete or re-assign the objectives and key results as they see fit
  • The user themselves (i.e. their profile) will not be searchable
  • They will no longer display in some administrator reports unless the report was generated with that option selected (i.e. feedback reports have the option to include deactivated users)
  • Their manager will be notified via email
  • The owner of any objectives that the deactivated user is associated with (i.e. they owned a related key result or had an aligned objective) will be notified via email