As a Super Admin, you can add, update and remove administrative permissions from within the Admin module. For more information on the difference between Admins, HR Admins, and Super Admins as well as their respective abilities, see this article.
Making Changes
Before you can make changes, you'll want to view the list of current administrators. To do this, go to:
Admin → User Management → Administrators
From here you can:
1. Reorder the list by "Name" or by "Admin Since".
2. Filter administrators by role (i.e. Admin, HR Admin, or Super Admin).
3. for a current administrator by using the larger "Search for an administrator" search bar.
4. Add administrators by using the smaller "+ Add a new administrator" search bar.
5. Remove an administrator by clicking the "x" to the left of their name.
6. Change an administrator's role (i.e. Admin to HR Admin) by clicking their current role and selecting another from the drop-down menu.
7. Apply a scope for an HR Admin by clicking the drop-down menu to the right of their role. A scope can include one or more departments or groups.
Note: Users receive a notification when their administrative permissions are changed in any way.