Integrations: HRIS



Note: This Support article is for persons who manage their organization's HRIS. To update users individually, see this article. To update users via CSV upload, see this article.

The Betterworks HRIS integration allows customers to send user data from their HRIS to Betterworks automatically. They can see updates from their HRIS in Betterworks without manual intervention. This includes:

  • Creation of new users

  • Updates to user information (i.e. change in manager, department, etc.)

  • Deactivations of users who have left your organization


Data sent to Betterworks via the integration is stored at rest on an encrypted volume (AES-256), meaning that the file location itself is encrypted. Data is also encrypted in transit.

Common HRIS Providers

Workday: Contact Workday Customer Support for additional assistance. 

Oracle: Contact Oracle Customer Support for additional assistance.

The level of assistance you'll receive for this process is dependent on your Oracle Support product offering.

SuccessFactors: You can use this article from SuccessFactors to get started, but you'll also need to contact SuccessFactors Customer Support for additional assistance. 

ADP: Contact ADP Customer Support for additional assistance.

Depending on your product offering, ADP charges $1/user per month for automated services. If this price point seems high, you can download a report from ADP and reformat it into one of the user file templates in the Resources section below. 

BambooHR: See this article from us.

UKG Pro: See this article from us.

Zenefits: See this article from us.

Note: The BambooHR, UKG Pro and Zenefits integrations use the Betterworks API resulting in a direct connection. 

Prepare the Department File

If you include new departments in your user file, they will automatically be created in Betterworks. However, if your organization has a parent/child department structure (i.e. Accounts Payable rolls up to Finance), use the department file template and upload it via Admin → User Management → Departments and Users → Departments → CSV Upload.
You can find the template in the Resources section below. 


Note: You can also use the template to deactivate departments. However, the department that you are attempting to deactivate cannot contain active users. You will need to reassign the users to an active department or leave the users without a department assignment.

Prepare the User File

In the Resources section below, you'll find user file templates and explanation documents. The explanation documents will provide you with information about each field, including the formatting that you'll need to use. 

  • If your employee IDs have leading zeros (i.e. 000123), prevent the leading zeros from being dropped when the file is saved by entering an apostrophe before the employee ID (i.e. '000123). 
  • Ensure that your CSV file (standard UTF-8 encoding) is using a comma (,) as the column separator as opposed to a semi-colon (;) by opening the file in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets and selecting Data → Convert → Commas.

Connection Details

File Name: "betterworks" followed by the date (i.e. betterworks_01_01_2023)

File Cadence: Daily

Protocol Type: SFTP

Host / Server Name:

  • US -
  • EU -

Port: 22

Server Username: Provided upon request. Contact

Server Password: Provided upon request. Contact

File Destination: /incoming

File Contents: Include all users in each file as opposed to only including new users or users whose data has changed

Note: Files sent to the /incoming folder will be processed as soon as possible. However, processing time may vary based on the number and size of files in our queue. As such, if your file is available at 12 AM EST each day, it may be processed at different times throughout the week (i.e. minutes apart).


For organizations who have Advanced Analytics through our partnership with Visier, please refer to the following resources:


Can I add custom fields?

Yes. See this article for more information.

What if some of the data doesn't process due to an error?

You can usually resolve the error by implementing one of the solutions from this article.

If a user is omitted from a file, what will happen?

If a user is omitted from a file, this will not cause any change or removal of that user's account in Betterworks.

Can I use field names that are different from what is listed in the templates? 

No. Using field names that are not listed in our templates will result in the field not being processed.  

Are there character limits for any of the text fields?


  • email: 254 characters
  • first_name: 254 characters
  • last_name: 150 characters

Why is the users name being displayed incorrectly within Betterworks and also within email notifications? 

The preferred name overrides the first name throughout the application, but in the user admin interface, we do not show the preferred name. It can only be set as two different names (first/preferred) in a CSV/HRIS upload. In user admin, the first name will overwrite the preferred name.