This section is where you can configure your individual Betterworks account.
- Add your phone number
- Add a blurb
- Add a profile picture
- Update your password
Note: If your organization is using Single Sign-On (SSO), you will not be able to update your password through Betterworks. Instead, you'll need to loop in a member of your organization's IT Team. - Change your starting page
- Change your time zone
- Change the language
- Access the Preview environment
- Set notifications
You can decide which notifications you'd like to receive via email. If your administrator has enabled Slack and/or Microsoft Teams, you'll have the option to select push notifications to those applications as well.
Note: If your administrator has made certain notifications mandatory, the checkboxes will be grayed out.
Goal Calendar Events: Receive calendar events for goals based on their due date.
- Calendar Invites
- Overdue goals
Social Notifications: Receive a notification when someone cheers, nudges, and comments on a goal.
- Cheers
- Nudges
Comment Notifications: Receive a notification when someone comments or @mentions you in a goal.
- Comments
- @mentions
Activity on Goals and Teams: Receive notifications about modifications to goals, milestones, and metrics.
- A manager modifies a direct report's goal
- A user edits a goal
- A user deletes a contributing goal
- Manager digest
- Managers receive emails when their direct report is deactivated
- Add or remove users as a contributor
Contributor Activity on Goals: Receive notifications about activity on contributing goals, milestones, and metrics.
- Adding a contributor to a goal
- A contributor completes a contributing goal, milestone, or metric
- Deleting a goal that contributes to another
Activity on Followed Goals: Receive notifications about activity on followed goals.
- Completes a goal
- Updates a goal
Activity on Goals owned by Teams: Team members will receive notifications about activity on goals owned by their team.
- @mentions
- Comments
- Cheers
- Nudges
- Updates
- Goal completions
Note: If a department or team owns a goal, Betterworks will send notifications to all members of that department or team for comments, cheers, nudges, and progress updates.
Weekly Digests: Receive weekly planning digests.
Impersonation Notifications: For organizations with the Admin Proxy feature enabled, users will receive a notification if an administrator impersonates them to make changes on their behalf.
1:1 Notifications: For organizations with the 1:1s feature enabled, users will receive a notification approximately one hour before a 1:1 is scheduled to begin.
Batch Emails: Enabling "Batch emails sent in quick succession" will batch notifications together and minimize the number of emails received.