Release: Aug. 29th, 2023

Production Environment

* Any mobile or integration updates are subject to approval by the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and/or the application that Betterworks is integrating with.


  • App Platform:
    • SFTP server maintenance has been migrated to an AWS-managed server (no expected downtime and no expected impact on the end-user experience)


  • App Platform:
    • Improvements have been made to the way that Betterworks access is authenticated, starting with the Betterworks public API and Calibration (no expected downtime and no expected impact on the end-user experience)
  • Engage:
    • The favorability distribution of a survey report's heatmap can now accommodate a 6-point rating scale (the heatmap previously supported up to a 5-point rating scale)
    • Tags and language translations present in an organization's Betterworks Engage instance will now also apply to the notifications sent out via their Workplace integration

Bug Fixes

  • Analytics:
    • A bug that prevented one-sided conversation data from being pulled into Advanced Analytics has been fixed
  • Conversations:
    • A bug that caused the Scheduled Conversations header bar to jump when a user scrolled through the list of conversation templates has been fixed
    • A bug that caused the question mark icon for help text to display inside of a box has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented the "No responses yet" message (right-side panel of the conversation detail page) from being translated into the participant's set language has been fixed
    • A bug that allowed users to change the responses on the scale-type question(s) of a locked or past conversation has been fixed
    • A bug that caused the "Enter a valid amount of days" message to display in a conversation template (Step 7: Notifications) when there was already a valid amount of days present has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented the "Add or remove contributors" tooltip in the Conversations module (conversation list page) from being translated into the user's set language has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented the word count and word limit from being translated into the conversation participant's set language has been fixed
  • Engage:
    • A bug that caused previously deactivated users who were managers to display in the "Manager" dimension filter of future survey reports has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented the previous favorability percentage from displaying in a survey report's heatmap when there was more than one linked survey has been fixed
  • Feedback:
    • A bug that prevented the word count and word limit from being translated into the feedback provider's set language has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented the submission success banner (feedback edit request) from being translated into a feedback provider's set language has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented the decline feedback pop-up modal from being translated into the nominated user's set language has been fixed
  • Integrations:
    • Zenefits
      • A connection issue has been fixed

Preview Environment: Coming In 2 Weeks


  • Feedback:
    • Super Admins will be able to toggle manager notifications on/off directly from an anytime feedback template

Bug Fixes

  • Conversations:
    • The lack of a validation message, when a Super Admin selects the "Custom participant list" option in a scheduled conversation template (Step 2: Select participants) without uploading a CSV file, will be fixed 
    • A bug that prevents the "This field is required" error message in a conversation from being translated into the participant's set language will be fixed
  • Feedback:
    • A bug that prevents the "Request to edit" button from being translated into the feedback provider's set language will be fixed
    • A bug that prevents some of the text in the edit request email (sent to administrators) from being translated into Spanish will be fixed
    • A bug that allows Super Admins to create a feedback template after they've set a hard word limit for a paragraph-type question, then updated it to a scale-type question (with the hard word limit still in place) will be fixed

* All release updates are subject to change.