Designing Your Feedback Program


The Feedback module provides the opportunity to give feedback and/or receive feedback from anyone within the organization. As a Betterworks administrator, you have the ability to set some controls over timing and visibility among the feedback participants. We recommend asking a couple of key questions to answer when you begin to form your feedback program within your organization. 

What would you like your users to gain from receiving feedback? 

Your answer will help guide the overall messaging of how your employees should be utilizing Betterworks to provide and solicit feedback. We recommend to keep this value statement simple and focused.


  • Feedback provided in this module will be surfaced in conversations where it can be referenced for future self-reflection, performance evaluation and any other applications of the Conversations module.
  •  Feedback provided in this module is limited in viewership to within the participants (whereas information in the Recognition module is public).

Following your answer above, what type of feedback will you encourage employees to provide to each other? Constructive, positive or both?

Your answer will affect the type of questions you ask, as well as the visibility of the feedback employees are asked to provide. You can support different focuses throughout the year by creating multiple templates within the Peer feedback module. 

Will this feedback be used in other performance management processes?

Your answer will help provide context around the expected activities in this module, influencing your communications strategy as well as the questions you ask and the visibility you configure in the templates. 

For your business, how often would you like your employees to provide each other feedback (annually, semi-annually, quarterly or anytime)?

It's important that your employees get used to the cadence and see the feedback cycles as a normal activity throughout the year. We would recommend sticking to a consistent schedule throughout the year. Many organizations tend to do a mix between anytime feedback and scheduled cycles throughout the year. 

Ready to start?

See this article to get started.