Feedback Summary AI Assist



The Feedback Summary AI Assistant analyzes a user's feedback over a defined time frame to formulate a foundational summary or suggest tailored recommendations for enhancing a manager's feedback.

It can be executed by the user, their manager, or their skip level manager based on organizational hierarchy and visibility settings of the related feedback templates. 


This is an opt-in-only feature. Your organization will not automatically be enrolled. Please contact your Program Architect or Customer Success Manager to enable the Feedback Summary AI.


Feedback Module

1. Go to Feedback → View to view the feedback for yourself.

If you are a manager and wish to view a direct report's feedback, select their name from the drop-down menu.

If you are a skip level manager and wish to view a skip level report's feedback, go to Feedback → View → Skip Level and select their name from the drop-down menu. 

2. Click the drop-down arrow on the far right of the 'AI Assist: Summarize Feedback' header.

3. Select 'Fiscal Year to Date' or 'Previous Fiscal Year'.

4. Click 'Summarize'.

The summary will be generated, along with identified strengths and areas of improvement for that user.

Once a summary is generated, you cannot regenerate unless the feedback has been added, edited, or deleted for that fiscal year period.

If there are any changes, the regenerate button will appear in color and there will be text informing the user that they can regenerate because of changes.

Conversation Module

The same functionality will be available in a conversation's side panel.  


  • To generate a summary, there must be at least two feedback entries for a given fiscal period provided for that user.
  • Feedback will not be included in a summary if the user requesting the summary does not have permission to view a particular feedback.
  • Summaries are limited to the 'Previous Fiscal Year' and 'Current Fiscal Year to Date'. They cannot be broken down by quarter or a custom date range.
  • A user can only generate the summary once unless feedback has been added, edited, or deleted.
  • If feedback is added, edited, or deleted, the user will be informed and prompted to regenerate the summary. 

Downloadable Resources