Release: Aug. 2nd, 2022

Production Environment


  • Conversations:
    • Users will now be able to select up to 5 stars on star-rating questions while historical ratings are preserved (i.e. "4 out of 4 stars" vs. "4 out of 5 stars")
  • Feedback:
    • Users will now be able to select up to 5 stars on star-rating questions while historical ratings are preserved (i.e. "4 out of 4 stars" vs. "4 out of 5 stars")
  • Mobile (Betterworks iOS and Android apps):
    • Users will now be able to select up to 5 stars on star-rating questions (conversations and feedback) while historical ratings are preserved (i.e. "4 out of 4 stars" vs. "4 out of 5 stars")


  • Feedback:
    • Anytime manager requests - This template will now require that Super Admins select a manager, direct report, or both to view the feedback contents
  • Platform:
    • Custom naming will now be available to organizations and users whose default language is set to "English - UK" (custom naming was previously restricted to "English" only)

Bug Fixes

  • Calibration (formerly Performance):
    • Anonymous feedback contents and provider names will once again be visible to Super Admins and HR Admins (scope applied) in a user's Performance Snapshot
  • Conversations:
    • The misalignment of multi-select options compared to the associated questions in all conversation templates will be corrected
    • Super Admins will once again be able to include additional lock options to an active (aka "deployed") template when the cycle has not yet started
  •  Engage:
    • Once an administrator adds a language translation to a survey draft, the translation will remain available even if the language option itself is inadvertently deleted
  • Feedback:
    • Anytime request and anytime manager-requested - The "Choose a template" menu will now be disabled for providers
    • The validation highlight for required questions will no longer display once the provider has entered a response
    • The visibility warning text error will be corrected
    • The console error will be corrected (in Feedback → View)
    • Providers will no longer be taken to the bottom of the page when a feedback form is open and active (in Feedback → View → To-Do)
    • A user's title will now display under their username instead of directly under their profile photo (in Feedback → Request → Scheduled)
    • The Feedback Adoption Report will no longer display number values (other than zero) under the "Request" column for anytime give templates (since this type of feedback cannot be requested)
    • Question numbers will no longer be misaligned (in Feedback → Request)
  • Mobile (Betterworks iOS and Android apps):
    • Anytime manager requests (feedback) - This template will once again be visible and available to users when active (aka "deployed")
    • Creating a goal will no longer log users out (EU version of the apps)
  • Platform:
    • API - The results of a progress update call will once again be consistent with the Betterworks user interface (i.e. users cannot directly update the progress of a goal if it has contributing milestones or aligned goals)
  • Recognition:
    • Users will once again be able to search each other's names when providing recognition
    • Submissions will no longer include users that were not manually selected

Preview Environment: Coming In 2 Weeks


  • Feedback:
    • When creating an anytime requested, anytime manager-requested or anytime give feedback template, Super Admins will now have the option to add a custom note
  • Goals (formerly OKRs):
    • Users will now have expanded permission options (i.e. "Public", "Limited", and "Confidential" aka "Private")
  • In the Goals module, the names of any applied filters will now be displayed above the view results


  • Engage: 
    • Benchmarks will now be available for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) surveys.
  • Feedback:
    • The number display for scale questions (in Feedback → Summary) will be changed to make better use of the available form space

Bug Fixes

  • Conversations:
    • If a participant has already submitted a "request to edit", they will once again see a pop-up modal informing them of the previous action and preventing them from submitting a new request until their first request is either approved or denied
    • Responses to star rating questions will now display in the same color scheme across the Betterworks user interface and the printed summary (PDF)
  • Feedback:
    • When creating any template, Super Admins will once again see a validation error banner if they haven't provided any options for a multi-select question
    • The radio buttons next to the options for scale questions (in Feedback → Give → To-Do) will be corrected to better align with other question types
    • When creating an anytime requested template, Super Admins will once again see the name of the permission type (i.e. "Manager and direct report visible", "Manager visible only", etc.) in Step 2
    • When creating an anytime requested template, the validation error banner will stop displaying once a Super Admin has selected a valid permission typ (i.e. "Manager and direct report visible", "Manager visible only", etc.)
  • Integrations:
    • When connecting a Salesforce report to a milestone, the report name will once again display in the pop-up modal

* All release updates are subject to change. Any mobile and integration updates are also subject to approval by the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and/or the application that Betterworks is integrating with.