Engage: Dimensions



Dimension fields are used to classify your employees' demographic information, and to segment users in the system for more robust reporting and targeting when launching surveys. In addition to the default dimensions in Engage, organizations can create their own custom dimension fields for their own liking. 

Default Dimensions

Engage comes with default, basic dimensions that provide the most essential information of your employees. These dimensions cannot be altered, or removed. This provides uniformity and a baseline for your users' information in the UI.

These dimensions are:

  • Email/ID
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Role
  • Status
  • Insights Access
  • Mobile Number
  • Locale
  • Manager
  • Manager Email
  • Hire Date
  • Termination Date

Note: We highly recommend including as much information (with regards to dimensions) as possible when uploading your users. This will ensure much more granular reporting and audience creation for your surveys, saving you headaches later on. The following chat will show many of the default dimensions in the UI, as well as the corresponding "Dimension Key" which is what needs to be in the header for Engage to recognize the value assigned to the employee. 

Dimension Name Dimension Key Required? Further Info.
Email/ID email Yes This would be the employee's work email address within your company/organization. Typically, the email would end in @yourcompanyname.com.

Engage can also take email address that have a domain outside of your work organization. It's essential to have email addresses linked to your users since that is how they can log into Engage, and receive notifications on surveys, deadlines, and so forth from the system.

If an employee does not have any sort of email address, as a placeholder one option would be to. If an employee does not have any sort of email at all, admin users can simply input a placeholder email such as acme@companydomain.com. As long as the @companydomain.com is at the end, Engage will upload the user.
First Name first_name No The employee's first name.
Last Name last_name No The employee's surname.
Employee ID employee_id No These IDs are unique numbers that are assigned to employees. This the most accurate word of truth signifier for employees, so we highly recommend inputting those, even if an employee doesn't have an email address.
Mobile Number mobile No

A user's mobile number can be used to send text notifications for surveys and polls. Be sure to include a "+" and country code in front of the number. This is useful for employees without emails.


For example, a US phone number of (999) 555-1212 should be entered as +19995551212 While it is recommended to use Google Sheets to prepare your CSV file, if using Microsoft Excel, be sure to format the mobile number cells as a "text" so that the phone number is displayed exactly as entered.

Locale locale No

Locale is used to present Engage survey questions in a user's preferred language if multi-language surveys have been enabled. At this time, only survey questions will be presented in the designated language. The remainder of on-screen text will be displayed in English unless the user translates the page on their end using Google translate (for example). The only exception to this is French as Engage supports full localization in French.

Currently, we support the following:

  • en
  • fr
  • en_* (e.g. en_us)
  • fr-* (e.g. fr_CA)
If the user's preferred language is English, this field can be left blank.
Manager manager_email No Engage assigns managers to users in the UI. If a user has a manager, be sure to include their email address here. Populating this field automatically includes their manager in the survey reporting, providing more granular feedback. Note: If a user is the CEO, this field can be left blank.
Status status No There are three options:
  • Candidate - eligible to candidate and pre-hire specific surveys only. These users aren't official employees yet.
  • Employee - a currently employed user at your company.
  • Terminated - users that are no longer with the company. Alumni survey audiences would be populated with this type of user.
Leaving this field blank will default the user status to Employee.
Role roles No Roles define access rights to reporting and other administrative areas within Engage (referred to as "Engage Insights"). It is crucial to set up the proper roles and access rights for each type of user in Engage. Built-in roles within Engage include user, manager, and admin. These are all customizable and additional roles can also be created. 
  • user - the most basic level role for employees. This typically doesn't have any Insights access, to ensure users do not see the survey results/reporting.
  • manager - can view survey reporting for direct reports, but doesn't have access to more superadmin level actions such as uploading users, changing permissions, and so forth.
  • admin - can view more in-depth reporting, and set up users.
  • superadmin - has access to all survey reporting, can view all users and edit them, and set permissions for each role.

For more detailed information, please see our Engage: Understanding Roles support article.

Note: Leaving this value blank will default to user. Note that role names are case-sensitive.

Insights Access engage_insights_access No When set to "True", this will give user access to Engage Insights and reporting. Admin/superadmin users would most likely need this to be enabled. By default, this is set to "false" for users.
Hire Date hire_date No Join/first day at work date. The date format is yyyy-mm-dd. This dimension is required when calculating eligibility criteria for onboarding/new hire surveys, and tenure.
Termination Date end_employment_date No The last working day for any recently released/terminated employees. Format is yyyy-mm-dd. This dimension is important to ensure any recently terminated employees will not be able to participate in any open/in progress surveys. It is also used to determine eligibility criteria for offboarding/exit surveys, and alumni surveys.

Further information on how you can create dimensions can be found in the next section.

Creating New Dimensions

In addition to the default dimensions in the UI, users can create their own custom dimensions and assign them to users. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Go to “User Management” page. Then, click "Edit Dimensions":


2. The following screen will appear:


3. Go to the very bottom of the screen, where you'll see a blank text field as shown below:


4. It is within this text box that you can enter any custom dimension name of your choice. Once you enter it, click "Add". You will also have to enter the Dimension Key value for that name, which will be what the custom header field is in your CSV user file. Please note: dimension keys must be all in lowercase, and cannot have any spaces.