Release: Nov. 9th, 2021

Production Environment


  • Updates:
    • Manager Insights v2
      • There will be an updated sub-menu bar (from horizontal to vertical) on the detail page
      • There will now be an "Individual" filter
      • Help text has been added to the detail page for "Employee's Org." and "Employee's Org. Size"


  • New:
    • API (as it relates to Conversations)
      • Question IDs will now be included in the call results
      • Scale type questions will now return properly in call results
    • Additional contributors will now be able to view a direct report's responses
  • Updates: 
    • Request to edit notifications will now be separate from System Notifications, as such, administrators with Super Admin permissions can disable request to edit notifications while other System Notifications remain enabled
  • Bug Fixes:
    • "Confirm meeting" section will once again be displayed to Skip level managers
    • "User_name's notes will appear here after they share" message will no longer be displayed to Skip level managers (since Skip level manager should not be able to edit notes)
    • "Conversation start" email notification will no longer display previous Conversation template name (if the name has been updated after deployment, but before the "Conversation start" email is triggered)


  • Bug Fixes:
    • Users will once again be able to resubmit feedback requests (if their previous request to the same user has not been completed after 28 days)


  • New:
    • When a direct report's manager changes, their new manager will now be automatically added as an editor on the direct report's objectives and the previous manager will be removed


  • Updates:
    • Calibration
      • Administrators can now use custom Calibration filters
      • Administrators can now rename a Calibration module from the Admin module


  • Bug Fixes:
    • New users will once again be automatically added to an existing User Group if they fit the group's criteria

Preview Environment: Coming In (2) Weeks


  • Updates:
    • A warning message will now display on the Manager Insights v2 dashboard to call out who on the team has missed the target or is still not on track


  • Bug Fixes:
    • Skip level manager will no longer be able to add notes to a Conversation if they've only been granted "can view" access


  • Updates:
    • Reply to comment feature will no longer be hidden in email notifications
  •  Bug Fixes:
    • Organization logos will no longer appear stretched in email notifications

*All release updates are subject to change