Release: Oct. 12th, 2021

Production Environment


  •  Updates:
    • Calibration
      • Session name will now be wrapped and limited to 75 characters
      • Filter drop-down will now have a set height with internal scroll
      • "Save" button will now be grayed out if invalid values are entered into the edit modal
  •  Bug Fixes:
    • Performance Snapshot count (re: Conversations visible in UI and in print preview) will now be consistent
    • Calibration
      • Filter values will no longer display twice
      • User search will no longer display an error message
      • HR Admins will no longer be able to access settings via URL (only available to Super Admins)
      • Tool tip will now display upon hover when session contains 5+ facilitators
      • Job title filter will now display with the correct names

Preview Environment: Coming In (2) Weeks


  • Bug Fixes:
    • A new manager will no longer be able view past conversations between a direct report and their previous manager if "Hide Past Conversations" is enabled 


  • New:
    • Mobile (as it relates to Feedback)
      • Users will now be able to view scheduled feedback in the mobile app under Feedback ("Request" or "Give")
        • View feedback request date and due date
        • Add/edit providers
        • View questions
        • View completed feedback
        • View feedback given to direct reports (for managers)
  • Bug Fixes:
    • API (as it relates to Feedback)
      • Calls for pending feedback will once again return results (provided that there is pending feedback)
      • Additional data within results will once again include the option to filter on "declined", "is_adhoc", "is_open", etc.
      • The results page will once again include the option to show more feedback results (provided that there are more feedback results) 


  • Bug Fixes:
    • Key results that are connected to JIRA will once again have their progress updated automatically (based on updates in the connected JIRA instance)
    • Any user will now be able to connect a key result to Azure DevOps (provided that the integration has been set up by an administrator with Super Admin permissions)
    • Customers on our EU datacenter will be able to access Betterworks University after selecting "Get Training" from the drop-down menu at the top-right corner of their Betterworks account


  • New:
    • API (as it relates to OKRs) 
      • Calls for objectives will now include the option to filter on objective weights
  • Updates:
    • Objective Weights 
      • Administrators with Super Admin and Admin permissions will now be able to view objectives weights in list view for individual users
      • Administrators with Super Admin and Admin permissions will now be able to edit objective weights in list view for individual users
  • Bug Fixes:
    • API (as it related to OKRs)
      • A "404 not found" error message will replace the "500 internal server error" message when a user providers the incorrect User ID in the URL endpoint while making an API call to get the objective weights of a user
    • Objective Weights
      • Weight will once again display under "Weight" column (provided that a weight is assigned to the specific objective)
      • Error message will no longer display when manager clicks on "Weight" option after selecting direct report as "Owner" from "Show Filters"
      • Error message will no longer display in "Adjust Goal Weights" pop-up modal when manager sets the weights and the direct report has nested and department objectives in the Objectives list page
      • The selected user's objectives will now display on the "Adjust Goal Weights" pop-up modal
      • A error message will now display if a user attempts to submit a key result with just a category selected (i.e. a key result with no name)


  • Bug Fixes:
    • Performance Snapshot
      • Conversation count will once again be accurate
      • Data will once again sync


  • New:
    • Users will now have the ability to create a Team that has the same name as an existing department or User Group
  • Updates:
    • API:
      • User list endpoint will expand filtering on:
        • Department name
        • Language (Locale)
        • Employee ID
        • Deactivated

*All release updates are subject to change