Release: Sept. 23rd, 2021

Production Environment


  • Bug Fixes:
    • Skip level managers visibility of Conversations
      • Skip level managers will now see correct Conversations status (i.e. "Not Started" or "Complete")
      • Skip level managers will now see due date of confidential questions to be answered by manager
      • Tool tip within Conversation will now correctly reference Skip level visibility to all questions (i.e. one level down, two levels down or everyone down the reporting line)
      • Tool tip within Conversation will now reference Skip level visibility to confidential questions
      • "Ready to share?" pop-up modal will now reference Skip level visibility 


  • New:
    • Action plans will be available for OKRs
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Beekeeper integration no longer is processing terminated users


  • New:
    • Categories (re: key results)
      • Categories will now be available at the key result level (if enabled by Super Admin)
      • Key result categories will now be viewable in the Details tab when viewing a key result
      • Categories will contain separate counts for use among objectives and key results (Admin → Program Management → Objectives→ Settings→ Categories)
      • Key result categories will now be viewable in the "All Objectives and Key Results" report
      • Key results with categories will now be viewable in the objectives list exports
      • Key Result categories will now be available in the API
  • Update:
    • Warning message will display to user who attempts to enable objective weights
    • Warning message will display to user who attempts to change business calendar (Admin → Platform Configuration → Organization settings → Business calendar) if objective weights are already enabled


  • New:
    • Calibration
      • Talent Record export option will now be available in session menu
      • Custom fields will now be flagged in session view
  • Updates: 
    • Calibration
      • Direct link to applicable Knowledge Base article (Admin → Program Management → Calibration→ Cycles → Actions→ Lock→ Learn more)
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Calibration
      • Custom field no longer duplicates when applying custom filter
      • "N/A" will no longer display as an option under standard filters
      • Talent Record export will now trigger automated email
      • Arrow icon will now display on the previously selected after user navigates back from other modules

Preview Environment: Coming In (2) Weeks


  •  Updates:
    • Calibration
      • Session name will now be wrapped and limited to 75 characters
      • Filter drop-down will now have a set height with internal scroll
      • "Save" button will now be grayed out if invalid values are entered into the edit modal
  •  Bug Fixes:
    • Performance Snapshot count (re: Conversations visible in UI and in print preview) will now be consistent
    • Calibration
      • Filter values will no longer display twice
      • User search will no longer display an error message
      • HR Admins will no longer be able to access settings via URL (only available to Super Admins)
      • Tool tip will now display upon hover when session contains 5+ facilitators
      • Job title filter will now display with the correct names

*All release updates are subject to change