Release: Feb. 13th, 2024

Released to Production Environment on Feb. 13th 


  • Conversations:
    • An ‘About you’ tag has been added to the Conversations module (list view) for conversations where the logged-in user is the direct report


  • Calibration:
    • A bug that prevented users from being added to the ‘Reviewer’ tab (calibration session overlay) has been fixed
    • A bug that caused the Calibration module to display the incorrect date format (i.e. MM/DD/YYYY) when a user changed their language from 'English' to 'English - UK', has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented users from reprocessing a calibration cycle has been fixed
  • Conversations:
    • The field header 'Name' has been changed to 'Participant' in the Conversations module (list view)
  • Integrations:
    • In the Betterworks bot for Slack, the error text for a command ('/requestfeedback') has been updated for clarity (new error message: "@user could not be added as a provider because they are not in Betterworks. Request cancelled.")

Bug Fixes

  • Analytics:
    • A bug that caused deleted feedback requests to be counted in Advanced Analytics visualizations has been fixed
    • A bug that caused deleted goals to be counted in Advanced Analytics visualizations has been fixed
  • Calibration:
    • A bug that caused some HR Admins to have access to their own talent records if their scope and department were the same has been fixed
  • Goals:
    • A bug that prevented users with applicable permissions from viewing private goals has been fixed
  • Integrations:
    • A bug that prevented users from removing Udemy courses that were connected to a milestone has been fixed

Released to Preview Environment on Feb. 13th 

Bug Fixes

  • Calibration:
    • A bug that caused organizations to encounter an error when attempting to pull talent records via API has been fixed

*** All release items are subject to change. Any mobile or integration updates are subject to approval by the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and/or the application that Betterworks is integrating with. ***