Release: Jan. 16th, 2024

Released to Production Environment on Jan. 16th

*** Any mobile or integration updates are subject to approval by the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and/or the application that Betterworks is integrating with. *** 


  • Integrations:
    • Users can now enable/disable the Weekly Summary notification that comes through the Betterworks bot MS Teams from within Betterworks (Name → Settings → Notifications)
    • Logic has been added so that Betterworks bot for MS Teams will not send notifications if System Notifications have been disabled in Betterworks

Bug Fixes

  • Analytics:
    • In the Execution Insights dashboard, a bug that caused all user goals to display when 'View Goals' was selected for a specific user, has been fixed

Released to Preview Environment on Jan. 16th 


  • Data Platform & AI:
    • The Feedback Summary AI Assistant is available for individual employees, managers, and skip level managers (organizations must opt-in)
    • When the Feedback Summary AI Assistance is enabled for an organization, it will also be visible from the side panel of an individual conversation
  • Integrations:
    • A command ("/requestfeedback") has been added to the Betteworks bot for Slack so that users can request anytime feedback from their colleagues via Slack


  • Calibration:
    • The rating scale on the Calibration cycle creation page (Step 6) has been updated from 1-5 to 1-25 to match the conversation rating scale
  • Integrations:
    • A message ("Pin this panel for full functionality.") has been added to the Outlook integration panel as it is needed for the integration to function as expected

Bug Fixes

  • Integrations:
    • A bug that prevented a Udemy course from displaying when searched for has been fixed

*** All release items are subject to change. ***

Upcoming Release Schedule

Due to the holidays, some of the recent Betterworks releases were off-cycle. However, we are returning to our regular release schedule (every two weeks) with the next release occurring on Jan. 30th, 2024.