Released to Production Environment on Dec. 5th
*** Any mobile or integration updates are subject to approval by the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and/or the application that Betterworks is integrating with. ***
- Analytics:
- Department fields have been added to the Recognition Comments Report ('Author Department', 'Recipient Department', and 'Mentioned Department')
- Engage:
- Logic has been added to prevent rehires from being deactivated if their 'Termination Date' is earlier than their 'Hire Date'
- Integrations:
- In the Outlook add-in, the 'Me' label that appeared above the user's main email panel has been changed to a 'Betterworks' label
Bug Fixes
- Analytics:
- In the Insights module, a bug that prevented users from accessing data from a filter if the filter name contained a special character (i.e. +, %, *, @, etc.) has been fixed
- In Execution Insights ('Goals on track' heatmap), a bug that caused the incorrect # of goals to show in the left-side modal when an HR Admin drilled down into a private goal's milestone has been fixed
- App Platform:
- In Admin Proxy (User Impersonation), a bug that caused the limit warning to display the extension option in hours as opposed to minutes (i.e. extend for 30 hours vs. extend for 30 minutes) has been fixed
- Engage:
- A bug that prevented survey notifications from going out through the Beekeeper integration has been fixed
- A bug that caused the 'Next reminder date' to show a past date has been fixed
- Feedback:
- A bug that caused the incorrect date format to display in a scheduled feedback template (Step 6: Schedule feedback cycles) has been fixed
- Integrations:
- A Slack connection error that prevented email notifications from being triggered has been fixed
- A display error that caused the Betterworks Gmail add-in to block a user's email panel has been fixed
Released to Preview Environment on Dec. 5th
- Analytics:
- Two fields have been added to the Advanced Analytics dashboard ('Work Location' and 'Voluntary Exit')
Bug Fixes
- Analytics:
- A bug that caused a mismatch between the total # of conversations in the Conversations Answers Report and the total # of conversations in the HR Insights dashboard has been fixed
- A bug that caused deleted feedback to be counted in the Advanced Analytics dashboard has been fixed
- Feedback:
- A bug that prevented feedback recipients from viewing their feedback despite having the required visibility permissions, has been fixed
- A bug that prevented managers from nominating feedback providers on behalf of their direct reports (in the Preview environment) has been fixed
- Goals:
- A bug that caused goals with comments to display twice in a PPT export has been fixed
*** All release items are subject to change. ***
Upcoming Release Schedule
Due to the holidays, the upcoming Betterworks releases will occur on the following dates.
- Dec. 19th, 2023
- Jan. 9th, 2024
- Jan. 16th, 2024
- Jan. 30th, 2024