Release: Nov. 21st, 2023

Released to Production Environment on Nov. 21st

*** Any mobile or integration updates are subject to approval by the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and/or the application that Betterworks is integrating with. ***


  • Engage:
    • In survey reports, the width of the 'Benchmark' drop-down menu has been increased to accommodate options that were not fully visible previously
    • In the User Management module, the 'Manager' field will now only accept email addresses (as opposed to plain text containing a manager's name)

Bug Fixes

  • Conversations:
    • A bug that prevented a validation error in a scheduled conversation template (cycle date field) from disappearing after the error was corrected has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented a validation error in a scheduled conversation template (confidential question date field) from disappearing after the error was corrected has been fixed
    • A bug that led to conversation participants being shown the incorrect next step has been fixed
  • Engage:
    • A bug that caused a user's survey to be marked as completed when they clicked 'Continue later' has been fixed
  • Feedback:
    • A bug that led to the incorrect sent/receive dates being shown to feedback participants has been fixed
  • Integrations:
    • A bug that caused an error when users search for LinkedIn Learning courses has been fixed

Released to Preview Environment on Nov. 21st


  • Analytics:
    • A 'Department' column has been added to the Recognition Comments Report
  • Integrations:
    • In the Outlook add-in, the 'Me' label that appeared above the user's main email panel has been changed to a 'Betterworks' label

Bug Fixes

  • Analytics: 
    • In the Insights module, a bug that prevented users from accessing data from a filter if the filter name contained a special character (i.e. +, %, *, @, etc.) has been fixed
  • App Platform:
    • In the Admin Proxy (User Impersonation) feature, a bug that caused the limit warning to display the extension option in hours as opposed to minutes (i.e. extend for 30 hours vs. extend for 30 minutes) has been fixed
  • Feedback:
    • A bug that caused the incorrect date format to display in a scheduled feedback template (Step 6: Schedule feedback cycles) has been fixed

*** All release items are subject to change. ***