Release: Sep. 25th, 2023

Production Environment

* Any mobile or integration updates are subject to approval by the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and/or the application that Betterworks is integrating with.


  • Analytics:
    • If a user viewing the Execution Insights dashboard has been given access to any private goals, those goals (indicated by a lock icon) will be present in the dashboard
    • In the Execution Insights dashboard, hovering over a goal in the Cheerworthy section, the Nudgeworthy section, or the Overlay page will show the goal title up to 65 characters (instead of the previous limit of 33 characters)
    • In Advanced Analytics, the Trend chart (by department) has been changed to show a line for each department (instead of the previous line that showed the overall trend across all departments)
    • Three fields (Parent Goal ID, Parent Goal Name, and Parent Goal Owner) have been added to the All Goals Report and the All Goals & Milestones Report
  • Engage:
    • By default, new users will have the ability to view and answer surveys
    • In survey reports, the Dimensions drop-down menu options will be displayed in alphabetical order

Bug Fixes

  • 1:1s:
    • A bug that caused users to receive notifications for 1:1s even after the module was disabled has been fixed
  • Calibration:
    • Inconsistencies between the data shown to administrators and managers in the Feedback section of users' Performance Snapshots have been fixed
    • A bug that prevented the Talent Record Export and Talent Record Export By Box from being triggered has been fixed
  • Conversations:
    • A console error has been fixed
    • A bug that forced administrators to add a Confirm Meeting date to their scheduled conversation template (Step 8: Schedule Conversation Cycles) when the Confirm Meeting option was not enabled, has been fixed
  • Engage: 
    • A bug that caused comparison errors when surveys were linked has been fixed by using question IDs (instead of question text) to match survey questions
    • An error that prevented new users from being added to the audience of an exit survey has been fixed
  • Feedback:
    • A bug that prevented edit requests from loading when an administrator selected the associated template from the drop-down menu (Admin → Program Management → Feedback → Settings → Request to edit) has been fixed
    • A bug that allowed administrators to set the same collection start and end date in a scheduled feedback template (Step 6: Schedule Feedback Cycles) has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented the visibility type from accurately reflecting the settings in a scheduled feedback template (Step 3: Specify who can request and view feedback) has been fixed
  • Goals:
    • A bug that caused the wrong email notification to be triggered when a user commented on another user's goal has been fixed
  • Integrations:
    • A bug that prevented some users from accessing the Betterworks bot for MS Teams has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented some users from entering commands in the Betterworks bot for MS Teams has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented some administrators from testing the Betterworks bot for MS Teams prior to rolling it out to other users has been fixed
  • Mobile:
    • A bug that caused feedback template descriptions to include unexpected numbers and special characters has been fixed

Preview Environment: Coming In 2 Weeks


  • Calibration:
    • When creating a calibration cycle, administrators will see an error message if they attempt mapping to a talent record field with a rating scale that doesn't meet the minimum histogram dimensions

Bug Fixes

  • Calibration:
    • A goal text wrapping issue in users' Performance Snapshots will be fixed
  • Conversations:
    • A bug that causes the delete icon to display in a scheduled conversation template (Step 8: Schedule Conversation Cycles, Additional Lock Options) before an administrator has entered the date, will be fixed
    • A bug that prevents the "You must add a review deadline" error message from disappearing in a scheduled conversation template (Step 8: Schedule Conversation Cycles, Admin Review Period) after an administrator has removed the date in the Submit Deadline field, will be fixed
    • An error in the confidential questions note for direct reports will be fixed
  • Feedback:
    • A bug that prevents the "Please enter a limit" error message from disappearing in a scheduled feedback template (Step 2: Select Participants, Who are the default providers?) after the administrator switches from Classic 360 to another option, will be fixed
    • A bug that prevents the "Please enter labels" error message from disappearing in a scheduled feedback template (Step 4: Write the Questions, Answer Type: Scale) when the Do Not Display Labels option is not selected, will be fixed

* All release updates are subject to change.