Advanced Analytics Dashboard



Betterworks Advanced Analytics combines and cross-correlates rich data from the Betterworks platform into intuitive dashboards. The insights are presented in the form of a visual data story that follows a narrative structure starting with the business question and presenting the answer in the form of a dashboard.



1. Log into Betterworks.

2. Select the Insights module from the top navigation menu.

3. Click the Advanced tab to access Advanced Analytics.

4. Be sure your browser has cookies enabled.


The navigation bar, located on the left side of your screen, is the hub of the solution experience. 

Here you can gain quick access to Guidebooks and additional actions you can take to customize your data. Guidebooks are how the analyses within Advanced Analytics are categorized and will take you to a guided experience where analyses are presented as questions and answers.

  • Home: Your starting point for accessing Advanced Analytics.
  • Search: Use the search function to find metrics and analyses you own or have access to.
  • Guidebooks: View the Sucess Metrics, Program Adoption, Employee Performance, DEIB, and L&D guidebooks.
  • Analyses: Access analyses that have been shared with you.          


You can use keywords or ask questions to quickly locate the analysis you need.


Success Metrics

Measure of Success provides basic insights into the health of your organization's overall program.

See this export example for reference. 


Advanced Analytics insights are categorized into Guidebooks. From the Guidebook page, you can click in for a visual data story that follows a narrative structure starting with the business question and presenting the answer in the form of a dashboard. 



Within the Guidebook view, you have additional options available to you in the top right corner as follows (from left to right):


  • Collapse the visuals presented to you into a list of questions or expand Guidebook analyses to see all data visuals.
  • Present Analyses turns your guidebook into an interactive full-screen presentation.
  • Download the analysis as a PDF or PowerPoint presentation.
  • Share the analyses with other members of your organization. 
  • Send the analyses via email or schedule the email to be sent later.
  • The ellipsis (three dots) icon allows you to copy your current view to your Analyses room or set the current view as your new Home Page.


Program Adoption

See how your program is being adopted and engaged with. Discover data and trends that will provide poignant direction for change enablement.


The Feedback module includes multiple charts and tables designed to provide insights and understanding. It's primarily divided into four sections as shown below in red box #2. Additionally, there is a universal time range option available at the top of the page, in red box #1 which allows users to switch between different time ranges for all the charts.



There are 5 charts showing various trends and analyses on recognition. Similar to the Feedback module, there is a universal time range at the top that will allow you to switch between various time ranges.


Employee Performance

See performance trends from calibration cycles and answer questions about the high and low performers in your organization.

Note: This section requires the use of the Betterworks Calibration module.

DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging)

Detect potential biases and improve fairness in your performance management process.

To utilize the DEIB guidebook, an additional data upload into Betterworks is required due to the addition of new “reserved custom fields” that have been added to the database and data warehouse. These new data fields will enable Betterworks to provide deeper insights about the people within your organization through the Advanced Analytics embedded solution. These new data fields are configured to send info directly to Advanced Analytics and are not displayed in the UI or in any reports or filters.

Here you can find the Advanced Analytics template and the Advanced Analytics explanation of fields document. This document explains the new optional custom fields in more detail.

Additionally, to get the most out of Advanced Analytics users need to ensure they're updating all of the default HRIS Advanced Analytics fields in addition to the new reserved custom fields. More information about both the new reserved custom fields and default fields can be found here.

Learning & Development

Gauge how L&D is adopted and driving performance.

Note: The use of Development goals or goals with the LinkedIn Learning or Udemy milestone integrations is required to populate the goal data in this guidebook.

When accessing the guidebooks, in addition to the options described above, you can also customize the data you are viewing within the Guidebook to filter to a particular group or time period. Click the date presented to you or the "+Add a Filter" option to adjust your view for all the analyses presented in the guidebook.


Analyses drill into a guidebook to access the analysis. By default, guidebook charts are expanded and ready to use. To view more information about an analysis you are presented with, click the "?" icon. Click on the analysis to expand the chart and view more information.


To see an outline of the analysis, collapse the content under each header by clicking the expand/collapse arrow.


You can adjust the date range, and apply filters, and further segment your analysis. Be sure to read the Summary and Insights located on the right to learn more about the analysis.   


When exploring the Guidebooks, you'll encounter different types of visuals. Read on to learn more about the different visuals you are presented within the Guidebooks and how they can be utilized.


A Breakdown visual compares the number, frequency, or any measure of two or more related groups.


Side-by-side Comparison

The side-by-side visual adds additional metrics, groups, or time periods to the breakdown visual for comparison.


Stacked Bar

In a Stacked Bar visual, each bar represents a whole (divided into segments) allowing you to explore different parts of the whole bar.


User Access

  • Super Admin:
    • Super Admins have complete access to the Advanced Analytics embedded solution depending on which application version their organization is utilizing (Starter vs. Premium).
  • HR Admin:
    • HR Admins have the same access as Super Admins, however their access is directly limited by their individual scope.  
  • Admin:
    • Admins currently do not have access to the Advanced Analytics application within Betterworks.
    • If you would like to discuss enabling Admin user access for your organization, please contact your Customer Success Manager directly. 


What are these metrics telling me?

To answer this question make sure you can first clearly define the data you're expecting looking for or expecting to find.

If the question is about performance ratings not seeming to have the right definition (i.e what is considered "low ratings" are showing up as "high performers", you can reach out to the Betterworks Support team or your CSM and have them check that the concepts for performers have been configured correctly).

Below are some troubleshooting steps the user can take to remedy the issue:

1. Review the application's integrated documentation (by clicking on the "?" icon) and see if this clarifies the issue.

2. Check and confirm what you're actually looking at - check the date range, filter, and any focus' that have been added. Is this what you are expecting to be looking at or did you filter incorrectly?

3. If the number still doesn't make sense, gather more information - what looks incorrect and why?

4. After clarifying and defining the issue, you may need to do the following:

  • Modify what you're looking at to find something that makes more sense.
    • Modify the date range and see if a prior, or more extensive dataset, makes more sense (a limited date range often produces skewed or confusing results.
    • Change the population you're looking at to see if the same metric operates as expected for a different group.
  • Use the drill-down function on the dataset that doesn't make sense and review what's displayed, "is the data in this population right? If not, what is incorrect?"
  • Certain data issues may need more specific troubleshooting- escalate to the Betterworks Support team (

How is my data secured?

Betterworks' existing data compliance practices are consistent throughout the entire application. 

When I set a date range, the guidebooks don't update.

This can often be confusing for new users- guidebooks are made of visualizations that display insights that only make sense when viewed with a certain timeframe in mind. The Performance Analytics Guidebook, for example, highlights retention both for the most recent month with data and the most recent quarter. Changing the date range to a month prior will change the average performance rate for the monthly visualization, but not the quarterly one.

Below are some troubleshooting steps the user can take to remedy the issue:

1. Confirm which guidebook and what date range the user is looking at.

2. Confirm the appropriate time period (monthly, quarterly, trailing 12 months, etc.) that the visualization displays.

3. The user is mostly likely picking a different date range and expecting results to change; demonstrate a valid selection for them by correcting the date range and updating the guidebook.

What does "Root - Direct Report" mean within the guidebook when talking about manager hierarchy?

When referring to manager hierarchy in the goals guidebook, "Root - Direct Reports" includes data for the CEO and any other users who do not have an explicitly assigned manager.

My data is missing, and/or the chart is showing up blank.

Not providing data can manifest in many ways. Pairing with another user to walk through what they expect to see. Start by confirming that data was sent to Betterworks. Here are some scenario examples that could result in data inconsistencies:

  • Betterworks has received the data file but the file is empty with no data entries inside
  • We are missing data attributes for the current period but we have received some data points historically
  • The data attribute is included in the file but it is sent with unknown being the attribute value
  • The data attribute is completely skipped in the file
  • Permission doesn't grant users access to specific data attributes etc...
The application can respond differently to the above scenarios. It can completely drop the content, show an error message, show a bunch of zeros, etc. If further help is needed, the user should escalate to the Betterworks Support team and include the data mentioned above along with screenshots of charts or analyses (if applicable).
How do I check if someone has access to the system?
Reach out to the Betterworks Support team if you need to confirm a user's access. They'll be able to review your organization's tenant and check who has access.
What was that Privacy notice? What are people "agreeing" to?
A Privacy notice appears for all users when they first log into the system, and periodically thereafter as Visier updates our Privacy Policy. The policy is not something users agree to; it is information Visier is required by law to provide to end users.
How often does my data update?
Data automatically updates nightly at 8 PM PST.
I don't see much information, can I use the system? What can I get out of it?

For new users with limited datasets and limited history, the user will still be able to see basic organizational content such as:

  • Headcount grouped by various attributes
  • Goals essentials analysis

  • Conversation essentials analysis

Over time as the organization keeps loading files and building up its data history, the dataset will become rich enough to provide more valuable insight such as:

  • Performance distribution
  • DEIB metrics
  • Goal and milestone progress