Release: April 25th, 2023

Production Environment

* Any mobile or integration updates are subject to approval by the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and/or the application that Betterworks is integrating with.


  • Engage:
    • In survey reports, questions and responses can be sorted in alphabetical order


  • Accessibility:
    • Changes were made so that feedback responses that utilize radio buttons (Feedback → View) can be easily identified by screen readers 
  • Calibration:
    • Changes were made so that a user's talent record will be generated even if their manager is deactivated
  • Feedback:
    • The radio buttons on the edit request page (Admin → Feedback → Settings → Request to edit) have been changed to checkboxes
  • Integrations:
    • If the title of a LinkedIn Learning course changes, any integrated milestones will automatically be updated within a week

Bug Fixes

  • 1:1s:
    • An issue that prevented new 1:1s from being created from a connected, recurring Google Calendar meeting, has been fixed
    • Users can no longer copy/paste images into private notes (as this functionality was never intended and caused loading issues)
  • Analytics:
    • A bug that prevented the "Email Report" button from displaying in the HR Insights module has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented the "Load More" button from displaying additional comments on the Manager Insights module (milestone overlay) has been fixed
  • App Platform:
    • A bug that prevented users from adding/updating the phone number in their user profile has been fixed
    • User profile buttons have been moved to prevent awkward text wrapping when the text is translated
    • A bug (related to newly added UUIDs) that caused conversation API calls to return an error has been fixed
  • Calibration:
    • A bug that allowed some users who do not have the ability to trigger manager notifications in the Betterworks user interface to do so from the API, has been fixed
    • A bug that allowed additional contributor responses from conversations to be pulled into related calibration sessions has been fixed
  • Conversations:
    • Erroneous text regarding notifications on the edit request page (Admin → Conversations → Settings → Request to edit) has been updated
    • A bug that prevented Super Admins from selecting cycle dates in a scheduled template (after they selected then deselected the "Hard word limit" option) has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented a validation error from being triggered when a Super Admin entered an invalid manager submission date (Admin Review Period) has been fixed
  • Engage:
    • A bug that caused a user discrepancy in the Beekeeper integration has been fixed
    • A bug that caused all question types to display as "multiple-choice" in the survey detail page has been fixed
    • A bug that allowed some managers with Insights Access to view user data in survey reports (even though they didn't have the necessary permissions to view user data) has been fixed
  • Feedback:
    • A bug that triggered an error banner when users selected "No" on the "Are you sure you want to cancel this feedback?" pop-up modal has been fixed
    • A bug that allowed Super Admins to set a limit for the # of feedback providers that can be auto-selected (even though the scheduled template was configured to have "No defaults") has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented the requester from removing a feedback provider from their list (even though the request had not yet been sent out) has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented a validation error from being triggered when a Super Admin entered an invalid cycle date will be fixed
    • A bug that allowed Super Admins to deploy a feedback template (scheduled or anytime) without selecting the depth of skip level visibility has been fixed
  • Goals:
    • A bug that prevented the goal owner list (Goals module) from displaying in alphabetical order has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented complete goal names from displaying in the goal alignment pop-up has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented users from viewing goals names from the alignment menu has been fixed
    • A bug that prevented the phrase "Mark as complete" (goal progress panel) from being translated into other languages has been fixed 

Preview Environment: Coming In 2 Weeks


  • 1:1s:
    • Users will be able to sync missing events from their connect calendar via the "Sync now" option
  • Goals:
    • Super Admins can enable progress locking (to accompany the previously launched goal locking feature)


  • Accessibility:
    • Changes will be made so that conversation responses that utilize radio buttons can be easily identified by screen readers 
    • Color contrast will be added to the feedback drop-down menu (Feedback → Request) so that selections can be easily identified by sight
  • Analytics:
    • A change will be made so that expired feedback is not counted as completed feedback in the Feedback Adoption Report ("feedback_expired_by_grace_period" field)
    • A change will be made so that expired feedback is not counted as completed feedback in the Feedback sections of Manager Insights and HR Insights
  • Calibration:
    • Cycle error messages will be updated for clarity 
  • Feedback:
    • Users will see a warning message if/when they attempt to un-deploy and feedback template (anytime or scheduled)
  • Integrations:
    • Users will be able to install the Betterworks bot for MS Teams in their MS Teams account without administrative intervention

Bug Fixes

  • 1:1s:
    • A bug that causes the "Bulk Create 1:1s" modal to load continuously when a calendar is connected, will be fixed
    • A bug that prevents a 1:1 owner from deleting the upcoming or current 1:1 will be fixed
    • A bug that prevents incomplete agenda topics and action items from being rolled over when a 1:1 is deleted will be fixed
  • Calibration: 
    • A bug that prevents recognition from displaying on a user's Performance Snapshot printout will be fixed
  • Conversations:
    • A bug that causes part of the application's code to display in the Conversations module will be fixed
    • A bug that prevents the due date from being updated after an edit request has been approved will be fixed
    • A bug that causes erroneous feedback templates to display on the right-side panel of an individual conversations page will be fixed
    • Button width in the Conversations module will be fixed to prevent text overlap
    • A bug that prevents a user's current manager from adding their previous manager to a conversation (as an additional contributor) will be fixed
  • Feedback:
    • A bug that prevents the "Send" button from being disabled when the word limit of the response is exceeded (paragraph) will be fixed
    • A bug that prevents one of the tooltips in a scheduled feedback template ("Step 2: Select participants") from displaying will be fixed
    • A bug that causes users who declined to provide feedback, to display in a user's Feedback Summary printout will be fixed
    • A bug that allows Super Admins to set skip level visibility in anytime feedback templates that should not have the option will be fixed
    • A bug that causes tabs in the Feedback module to overlap with each other (Safari internet browser) will be fixed

* All release updates are subject to change.